Diwali Special Trains Between Delhi and UP/Bihar

NOTE: Given here are Special Trains which were announced for 2013. Click Here to view Diwali Specials for this year 2017
Northern Railway (NR), North Eastern Railway (NER) and East Central Railway (ECR) are running Diwali/Chhath Puja Festival special trains between various locations in Uttar Pradesh and Bihar and Delhi like Patna, Gorakhpur, Darbhanga, Lucknow, Allahabad, Manikpur, Gaya etc, covering most of the two states. Click here for details of special trains between Punjab and Jammu Kashmir and locations in UP, Bihar, and Rajasthan that do not pass through Delhi. Goes without saying that all these trains will run forever late. Click on the train number to get a detailed timetable.
NOTE: Given here are Special Trains which were announced for 2013. Click Here to view Diwali Specials for this year 2017
04201/04202 Lucknow – New Delhi – Lucknow Tri-weekly Diwali/Puja Special (NR)
Timetable and Days of Operation
- 04201 Diwali/Pooja Special Express train will leave from Lucknow Charbagh LKO to New Delhi NDLS at 2130 on Sun, Tue, Fri of October 1, 4, 6, 8, 11, 13, 15, 18, 20, 22, 25, 27, 29 and November 1, 3, 5, 8, 10, 12, 15, 17, 19
Timings: Departs BE at 0105, MB at 0300, GZB at 0554, arrives at NDLS at 0640. - 04202 Diwali/Pooja Special Express will leave from New Delhi NDLS to Lucknow LKO at 1930 on Mondays, Wednesdays, Saturdays of October 2, 5, 7, 9, 12, 14, 16, 19, 21, 23, 26, 28, 30 and November 2, 4, 6, 9, 11, 13, 16, 18, 20; 2013.
Timings: GZB: 2010, MB: 2245, BE: 0012, arrives at LKO at 0445.
Composition: AC First Class, AC 2 tier, AC 3 tier, Sleeper Class, General Second Class, SLRs.
Route and Stoppages: Bareilly, Moradabad, Ghaziabad.
04203/04204 Varanasi – Old Delhi Jn – Varanasi Tri-Weekly Diwali/Puja Special (NR)
- 04203 Diwali/Puja Special train will leave from Varanasi BSB to Old Delhi Junction DLI at 1930 on Mondays, Wednesdays, Saturdays of October 2, 5, 7, 9, 12, 14, 16, 19, 21, 23, 26, 28, 30 and November 2, 4, 6, 9, 11, 13, 16, 18, 20; 2013.
Timings: LKO: 0008, MB: 0605, GZB: 0906, arrives at DLI at 1010. - 04204 Diwali/Puja Special train will leave from Old Delhi Junction DLI to Varanasi BSB at 1320 on Sundays, Tuesdays, Fridays of October 1, 4, 6, 8, 11, 13, 15, 18, 20, 22, 25, 27, 29 and November 1, 3, 5, 8, 10, 12, 15, 17, 19; 2013.
Timings: MB: 1715, LKO: 2325, SLN: 0200, arrives at BSB at 0555.
Composition: ONE AC 3 tier, 16 Sleeper Coaches, 2 General Second Class, 02 SLRs. (21 coaches)
Route and Stoppages: Sultanpur Jn., Lucknow Charbagh, Bareilly, Moradabad, Ghaziabad.
02448 & 02448-slip/02447 & 02449 Delhi Hazrat Nizamuddin – Manikpur/Khajuraho – H. Nizamuddin Weekly Superfast Special (NR)
02448 will run as a single train until Mahoba Jn where it will split into two. One-half will continue to Manikpur MKP as 02448 and the other half will go to Khajuraho KURJ as 02448-Slip. But for the return journey, two different trains 02447 from MKP and 02449 from KURJ will join at Mahoba Jn MBA to continue to NZM as one rake with two different numbers.
- 02448 Weekly Diwali Superfast Special will leave from Delhi Hazrat Nizamuddin NZM to Manikpur MKP and Khajuraho KURJ at 2015 on all Wednesdays in October and November 2013.
Timings: AGC: 2320 JHS: 0225, HPP: 0351, MBA: 0510, BNDA: 0628, reaches Manikpur at 0835. 02448-Slip departs Mahoba MBA at 0520 and reaches Khajuraho KURJ at 0635. - 02447/02449 Weekly Diwali Superfast Specials will leave to Delhi H. Nizamuddin NZM from Manikpur MKP at 1705 and from Khajuraho KURJ at 1820 on all Thursdays in October and November 2013.
Timings: Banda (02447): 1848, MBA: 2000, KLAR: 2028, JHS: 2330, AGC: 0220, arrives at Delhi NZM at 0530.
Composition: Manikpur part: ONE AC First cum AC 2 tier, 01 AC 2 tier, 01 AC 3 tier, 04 Sleepers, 03 General UR, 02 SLR. Khajuraho part: ONE AC 2 tier cum AC 3 tier, 01 AC 3 tier, 02 Sleepers, 03 General UR, 02 SLR; Total Rake: 21 Coaches.
Route and Stoppages: Mathura, Agra, Jhansi, Mau Ranipur, Harpalpur, Kulpahar, Mahoba, (Khajuraho), Banda, Atarra, Chitrakutdham Karwi, Manikpur.
NOTE: Given here are Special Trains which were announced for 2013. Click Here to view Diwali Specials for this year 2017
04004/04003 Old Delhi Jn. – Allahabad Old Delhi Jn. Bi-Weekly Superfast Express (NR)
(via Moradabad, Lucknow, Gonda, Basti) Schedule:
- 04004 Bi-Weekly Superfast special train will leave from Old Delhi Junction DLI to Allahabad ALD at 2300 on all Mondays & Thursdays in November and on October 21, 24, 28.
Timings: CNB: 0730, arrives ALD at 1025 (Tu, F). - 04003 Bi-Weekly Superfast special train will leave from Allahabad ALD to Old Delhi Jn. DLI at 1615 on all Tuesdays & Fridays in November and on October 22, 25, 29.
Timings: CNB: 1950, arrives DLI at 0340 (W, Sa).
Route and Stoppages: Ghaziabad, Kanpur.
Composition: ONE AC 2 tier, 02 AC 3 tier, 05 Sleeper Class, 06 General Second Class, 02 SLRs.
04030/04029 New Delhi – Lucknow – New Delhi AC Superfast Intercity Special (NR)
- 04030 AC Superfast Intercity Diwali special express will leave from New Delhi NDLS to Lucknow Charbagh LKO at 1250 on Friday, Nov 01 and Monday, Nov 04 2013.
Timings: GZB: 1327, MB: 1535, BE: 1705, arrives LKO at 2145. - 04029 AC Superfast Intercity Diwali special express will leave from Lucknow Charbagh LKO to New Delhi NDLS at 0215 on Saturday, Nov 2 and Tuesday, Nov 5, 2013.
Timings: BE: 1742, MB: 1915, GZB: 2142, arrives NDLS at 2220.
Composition: ONE Executive AC Chair Car (First AC), 08 AC Chair Car Coaches, 02 EOGs (11 coaches)
Route and Stoppages: Ghaziabad, Moradabad, Bareilly.
04028/04027 New Delhi – Lucknow – New Delhi Express Special (NR)
- 04028 Diwali special Express will depart from New Delhi NDLS to Lucknow Charbagh LKO at 2140 on Oct 31, Nov 02, 05.
Timings: GZB: 2225, MB: 0100, BE: 0235, arrives LKO at 0800. - 04027 Diwali special Express will depart from Lucknow Charbagh LKO to New Delhi NDLS at 2010 on Nov 01, 04, 06.
Timings: BE: 2355, MB: 0135, GZB: 0442, arrives NDLS at 0525.
Composition: ONE AC 2 tier cum AC 3 tier, 01 AC 2 tier, 04 AC 3 tier, 06 Sleepers, 03 General Second Class, 02 SLRs.
Route and Stoppages: Ghaziabad, Moradabad, Bareilly.
NOTE: Given here are Special Trains which were announced for 2013. Click Here to view Diwali Specials for this year 2017
04002/04001 New Delhi – Patna – New Delhi Triweekly Deepawali Express Special (NR)
- 04002 Diwali/Puja special express train will leave from New Delhi NDLS to Patna PNBE at 2025 on all Tuesdays, Thursdays & Saturdays in October and November 2013.
Timings: Departs CNB at 0525, ALD at 0845, BXR at 1302, reaches PNBE at 1515. - 04001 Diwali/Puja special express train will leave from Patna PNBE to New Delhi NDLS at 1715 on all Wednesdays, Fridays & Sundays in October and November 2013.
Timings: BXR: 1850, ALD: 2345, CNB: 0245, ALJN: 0737, reaches NDLS at 1255.
Composition: 06 Sleeper Coaches, 06 General Second Class, 02 SLRs (14 coaches).
Route and Stops: Ghaziabad, Aligarh, Tundla, Kanpur Central, Allahabad, Mughalsarai, Buxar, Ara.
04022/04021 Old Delhi Jn. – Patna – Old Delhi Jn. Triweekly Diwali Special Express (NR)
- 04022 Deepawali/Puja special express train will leave from Old Delhi Junction DLI to Patna PNBE at 1320 on all Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays in October and November 2013.
Timings: BE: 1842, LKO: 2325, BSB: 0555 (Tu, Th Sa), MGS: 0700, reaches PNBE at 1100 (Tu, Th Sa). - 04021 Deepawali/Puja special express train will leave from Patna PNBE to Old Delhi Jn DLI at 1500 on all Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays in October and November 2013.
Timings: MGS: 1900, BSB: 1955, LKO: 0150 (W, F, Su), BE: 0731, reaches DLI at 1230 (W, F, Su).
Composition: 06 Sleeper Coaches, 06 General Second Class, 02 SLRs (14 coaches).
Route and Stoppages: Ghaziabad, Moradabad, Bareilly, Lucknow, Sultanpur, Varanasi, Mughalsarai, Buxar, Ara, Danapur.
04040/04039 New Delhi – Patna – New Delhi Quad-Weekly AC Superfast Express (NR)
- 04040 Quad-Weekly Diwali/Chhath Puja AC Express Special train will leave from New Delhi NDLS to Patna PNBE four days a week at 1435 on Saturdays, Sundays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays October 20, 22, 23, 26, 27, 29, 30, November 2, 3, 5, 6, 9 2013.
Timings: CNB: 2120, ALD: 0133, MGS: 0530, ARA: 0807, arrives PNBE at 1010 (Su, M, W, Th). - 04039 Quad-Weekly Diwali/Chhath Puja AC Express Special train will leave from Patna PNBE to New Delhi NDLS four days a week at 1215 on Sundays, Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays October 21, 23, 24, 27, 30, 21, November 3, 4, 6, 7, 10 2013.
Timings: BXR: 1429, MGS: 1610, ALD: 1823, CNB: 2140, arrives NDLS at 0400 (M, Tu, Th, F).
Composition: TWO AC First Class (!!), 04 AC 2 tier, 08 AC 3 tier, 2 EOGs
Route and Stoppages: Ghaziabad, Kanpur Central, Allahabad, Mughalsarai, Buxar, Ara, Danapur.
02393/02394 Delhi Anand Vihar – Patna – Anand Vihar Bi-Weekly Superfast Special (ECR)
- 02393 Bi-Weekly Diwali Superfast Special train will leave from Patna PNBE Bihar to Delhi Anand Vihar Terminus ANVT at 2010 on all Mondays & Thursdays in October and November 2013.
Timings: ARA: 2055, MGS: 2352, ALD: 0225, CNB: 0540, arrives at ANVT at 1200. - 02394 Bi-weekly Diwali Superfast Special train will leave from Delhi Anand Vihar Terminus ANVT to Patna PNBE at 1800 on all Tuesdays & Fridays in October and November 2013.
Timings: CNB: 0100, ALD: 0305, MGS: 0610, ARA: 0839, arrives at PNBE at 0950.
Route and Stoppages: Danapur, Ara, Buxar, Mughalsarai, Allahabad, Kanpur.
Composition: TWO AC 2 tier, 04 AC 3 tier, 06 Sleeper Class Coaches, 06 General Second Class, 02 SLRs (20 coaches)
NOTE: Given here are Special Trains which were announced for 2013. Click Here to view Diwali Specials for this year 2017
05027/05028 Gorakhpur – Delhi Anand Vihar – Gorakhpur Tri-Weekly Diwali Special (NER)
(via Moradabad, Lucknow, Gonda, Basti) Schedule:
- 05027 Bi-Weekly Diwali Festival Special Train will leave from Gorakhpur GKP to Delhi Anand Vihar Terminal ANVT at 2030 on all Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays from October 12 to November 16, 2013.
Timings: BST: 2150, GD: 2330, LKO: 0310, MB: 0840, arrives ANVT at 1225. - 05028 Bi-Weekly Diwali Festival Special Train will leave from Delhi Anand Vihar Terminal ANVT to Gorakhpur GKP at 1350 on all Wednesdays, Fridays, Sundays from October 13 to November 17, 2013.
Timings: MB: 1805, LKO: 2355, GD: 0235, BST: 0355, arrives at GKP at 0530.
Route and Stoppages: Khalilabad, Basti, Mankapur, Gonda, Lucknow, Moradabad.
Composition: ONE AC 3 tier, 06 Sleeper Class Coaches, 08 General Second Class, 02 SLRDs. (17 Coaches)
03685/03686 Gaya – Old Delhi Jn – Gaya Weekly Superfast Special (ECR)
- 03685 Diwali/Puja weekly superfast special will leave from Gaya Bihar to Old Delhi Jn DLI on all Thursdays in October (3, 10, 17, 24, 31) and November (7, 14,21, 28) at 2000.
Timings: Departs MGS at 2340, ALD at 0220, CNB at 0540, reaches DLI at 0150. - 03686 Diwali/Puja weekly superfast special will leave from Old Delhi Jn DLI to Gaya Bihar on all Fridays in October (4, 11, 18, 25) and November (1, 8, 15, 22, 29) 2013 at 1910.
Timings: Departs CNB at 0115, ALD at 0350, MGS at 0650, reaches Gaya at 1000.
Composition: 02 AC 2 tier, 03 AC 3 tier, 10 Sleeper Coaches, 06 General Second Class, 02 SLRDs (23 coaches)
Route and Stoppages: Dehri-on-Sone, Sasaram, Mughalsarai, Allahabad, Kanpur Central, Ghaziabad.
04024/04023 Delhi Sarai Rohilla – Darbhanga – Delhi Sarai Rohilla Bi-Weekly Special (NR)
Timetable and Days of Operation
- 04024 Deepawali/Puja special express train will depart from Delhi Sarai Rohilla DEE to Darbhanga DBG Bihar at 1030 on all Mondays and Fridays in October and November 2013.
Timings: Departs NDLS at 1115, MB at 1400, GD at 2155, GKP at 0100, CPR at 0455, MFP at 0845, SPJ at 1100, reaches DBG at 1205. - 04023 Deepawali/Puja special express train will depart from Darbhanga DBG to Delhi Sarai Rohilla at 1500 on all Tuesdays and Saturdays in October and November 2013.
Timings: SPJ: 1620, MFP: 1810, CPR: 2130, GKP: 0135, GD: 0415, BE: 1128, reaches NDLS at 1625 and DEE at 1700.
Composition: 06 Sleeper Coaches, 06 General Second Class, 02 SLRs (14 coaches)
Route and Stoppages: New Delhi, Ghaziabad, Moradabad, Bareilly, Shahjahanpur, Sitapur Cantt., Gonda, Basti, Gorakhpur, Deoria Sadar, Siwan, Chhapra, Sonpur, Hajipur, Muzzafarpur, Samastipur.
04026/04025 Delhi Sarai Rohilla – Darbhanga – Delhi Sarai Rohilla Quad-Weekly Festival Special (NR)
- 04026 Diwali/Chhath Puja Quad-Weekly Express Special train will depart from Delhi Sarai Rohilla DEE to Darbhanga DBG at 2230 four days a week on Sundays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays October 25, 27, 29, 31, November 1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10 2013.
Timings: NDLS: 2310, BE: 0437 (M, W, F, Sa) GD: 1110, GKP: 1430, CPR: 1825, HJP: 1932, MFP: 2205, arrives DBG at 0200 (Tu, Th, Sa, Su). - 04025 Diwali/Chhath Puja Quad-Weekly Express Special train will depart from Darbhanga DBG Bihar to Delhi Sarai Rohilla DEE at 0600 four days a week on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays, Sundays from 27, 29, 31, Nov 1, 3, 7, 9, 12 2013.
Timings: arrives DEE at 0920 (W, F, Su, M).
Composition: TEN Sleeper Class, 06 General Second Class, 02 SLRs (18 coaches).
Route and Stoppages: New Delhi, Ghaziabad, Moradabad, Bareilly, Shahjahanpur, Sitapur Cantt., Gonda, Basti, Gorakhpur, Deoria Sadar, Siwan, Chhapra, Sonepur, Hajipur, Muzaffarpur, Samastipur.
NOTE: Given here are Special Trains which were announced for 2013. Click Here to view Diwali Specials for this year 2017
Reservations for these trains are already open. Information provided here is only indicative in nature and please always confirm all information with official sources before relying on them (Contact your nearest railway station or call 139 or visit the official website of Indian Railways). This website is not an official website of the Indian Railways but is run by a railway enthusiast. The official website of the railways is http://indianrailways.gov.in