Ganapati Special Trains 2014 – Central Railway

NOTE: These are Ganpati Special Trains for 2015. FOR Ganpati Festival Special Trains for this year 2016 CLICK HERE
PLEASE NOTE: Due to a derailment accident, all trains on the Konkan Railway Route are running late by many hours and many trains are being diverted. Please confirm current running status and time of your train before you make plans for departure. Current running status of trains on Konkan Railway can be found here.
Central Railway and Western Railway in co-ordination with Konkan Railway will run special train services from Mumbai towards coastal Maharashtra, Kolhapur and Goa via the Konkan Railway on the occasion of the region’s most popular festival, the Ganesh/ Vinayaka Chaturthi or Ganpati festival season. All trains will start from various stations in Mumbai and will run via Panvel and Roha towards Ratnagiri and Goa on the Konkan coast and to Kolhapur. These include two High Class Premium services: An AC Double Decker and a Shatabdi special! Most of these trains are fully reserved, but there are fully unreserved trains also. Here are the details: Click on the train number to view detailed timetable.
NOTE: These are Ganpati Special Trains for 2015. FOR Ganpati Festival Special Trains for this year 2016 CLICK HERE
Fully AC Premium Ganapati Special Trains Between Mumbai and Goa
The fully air conditioned AC Double Decker and Shatabdi Expresses will between them run a daily day (intercity) special service between Mumbai and Goa from August 22 to September 10 2014, with each service running on alternate days. Then there is a Premium AC train with sleeping accommodation running on Thursdays. All these are Premium trains with fares varying according to demand. No cancellation or Waiting Lists allowed. Reservation available only online through IRCTC.
02005/02006 Mumbai LTT – Karmali – Mumbai LTT Premium AC Double Decker Spl (CR)
An AC Double Decker train on the Konkan Railway for the very first time ever! The red-and-yellow will provide awesome backdrops to the scenery of the Konkan! AC Double Decker (AC Chair Car) base fare (without demand variation) from Mumbai to Goa: Rs.1055. Book early before fares go up!
- 02005 AC Double Decker Premium Ganapati Special will leave from Mumbai Kurla LTT to Karmali KRMI Goa at 0530 on August 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, September 01, 03, 05, 07 , 09 2014. Timings: TNA: 0602, PNVL: 0649, CHI: 1035, RN: 1225, KKW: 1422, reaches KRMI at 1630.
- 02006 AC Double Decker Premium Ganapati Special will leave from Karmali KRMI Goa to Mumbai Lokmanya Tilak T LTT at 0600 on August 23, 25, 27, 29, 31 and September 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 2014. Timings: KKW: 0740, RN: 1000, CHI: 1150, PNVL: 1558, TNA: 1657, arrives LTT at 1740.
Route and Stoppages: Thane, Panvel, Khed, Chiplun, Ratnagiri, Kankavali, Kudal.
Composition: 08 AC Double Decker Chair Car Coaches, 01 Pantry Car, 02 EOGs (11 coaches).
02003/02004 Mumbai CST – Karmali – Mumbai CST Premium Shatabdi Special (CR)
Shatabdi AC Chair Car base fare (without demand variation) from Mumbai to Goa: Rs.1070. First AC fare: Rs.2805. Book early before fares go up!
- 02003 Shatabdi Premium Special will leave from Mumbai CSTM to Karmali KRMI Goa at 0500 on August 23, 25, 27, 29, 31, September 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 2014. Timings: TNA: 0602, PNVL: 0649, CHI: 1035, RN: 1225, KKW: 1422, reaches KRMI at 1630.
- 02004 Shatabdi Premium Special will leave from Karmali KRMI Goa to Mumbai Lokmanya Tilak T LTT at 0600 on August 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, September 01, 03, 05, 07 , 09 2014. Timings: KKW: 0740, RN: 1000, CHI: 1150, PNVL: 1558, TNA: 1657, arrives LTT at 1750.
Route and Stoppages: Thane, Panvel, Khed, Chiplun, Ratnagiri, Kankavali, Kudal.
Composition: 01 Executive AC Chair Car (First SC Sitting), 07 AC Chair Car Coaches, 02 EOGs (10 coaches).
02045/02046 Mumbai LTT – Karmali – Mumbai LTT Premium AC Superfast Thursdays Ganpati Special (CR)
- 02045 premium AC special will leave from Mumbai Kurla LTT to Karmali KRMI Goa at 0110 on Thursdays August 28, September 04, 11 2014. Timings: arrives KRMI at 1130 (Thu).
- 02046 premium AC special will leave from Karmali KRMI Goa to Mumbai Lokmanya Tilak Terminus LTT at 1155 on Thursdays August 28, September 04, 11 2014. Timings: arrives LTT at 2215 (Thu).
Route and Stoppages: Thane, Panvel, Chiplun, Ratnagiri, Kudal
Composition: 01 AC First class, 03 AC 2 tier, 08 AC 3 tier, 01 AC Pantry car, 02 EOGs (15 coaches).
NOTE: These are Ganpati Special Trains for 2015. FOR Ganpati Festival Special Trains for this year 2016 CLICK HERE
Regular Express Specials Between Mumbai and Goa for the Ganapati Festival
01033/01034 Mumbai CST – Madgaon – Mumbai CST Ganapati Festival Special (CR)
Timetable: Runs on August 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 29, 30, 31, September 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 2014 both ways.
- 01033 Ganesha festival special will leave from Mumbai CSTM to Madgaon Goa MAO at 0020 six days a week (except Thursdays) on dates above. Timings: reaches MAO at 1410 (except Thu).
- 01034 Ganesha festival special will leave from Madgaon Goa MAO to Mumbai CSTM at 1440 six days a week (except Thursdays) on dates above. Timings: Reaches CSTM at 0435 (except Fri).
Composition: 01 AC 2 tier, 02 AC 3 tier, 10 Sleeper Coaches, 03 General Second Class, 02 SLRs (18 coaches)
Route and Stoppages: Mumbai Dadar Central, Thane, Panvel, Roha, Mangaon, Veer, Khed, Chiplun, Savarde, Aravali Road, Sangameshwar, Ratnagiri, Adavali, Vilawade, Rajapur Road, Vaibhavwadi Road, Nandgaon Road, Kankavali, Sindhudurg, Kudal, Zarap, Sawantwadi Road, Madure, Pernem, Thivim, Karmali.
NOTE: These are Ganpati Special Trains for 2015. FOR Ganpati Festival Special Trains for this year 2016 CLICK HERE
09009 /09010 Mumbai Bandra Terminus – Madgaon – Bandra T Ganpati Special (WR)
Very slow train. With an overall average speed of 37 km/hr it can be classified as a passenger train.
- 09009 special train will leave from Mumbai Bandra Terminus BDTS to Madgaon MAO Goa at 0015 four days a week on August 27, 28, 30, 31, September 3, 4, 6, 7, 10 2014. Timings: BSR: 0140, PNVL: 0305, RN: 0920, SWV: 1312, arrives MAO at 1630 the same day.
- 09010 special train will leave from Madgaon MAO Goa to Mumbai Bandra Terminus BDTS at 2000 four days a week on August 27, 28, 30, 31, September 3, 4, 6, 7, 10 2014. Timings: SWV: 2146, RN: 0305, PNVL: 0850, BSR: 1200, arrives BDTS at 1320 next day.
Composition: 01 AC 2 tier, 02 AC 3 tier, 06 Sleeper Coaches, 06 General Unreserved, 02 SLRs ( 17 coaches)
Route and Stoppages: Mumbai Andheri, Mumbai Borivali, Vasai Road, Panvel, Roha, Mangaon, Khed, Chiplun, Savarde, Sangameshwar, Ratnagiri, Adavali, Rajapur Road, Vaibhavwadi Road, Kankavali, Sindhudurg, Kudal, Zarap, Sawantwadi Road, Madure, Pernem, Thivim, Karmali.
The three trains below will in effect run from Mumbai to Karmali at 1300 and back at 1000 four days a week with same timings and stoppages and different compositions. Karmali in Goa is 27 km north of Madgaon.
01039/01040 and 01043/01044 Mumbai LTT – Karmali (Goa) – Mumbai LTT Weekly Ganpati Specials (CR)
- 01039 and 01043 specials will leave from Mumbai Kurla LTT to Karmali KRMI Goa at 1300 on Mondays and Thursdays respectively, August 25, 28, September 01, 04, 08, 11 2014. Timings: arrives at KRMI at 0140 (Tue).
- 01040 and 01044 special trainss will leave from Karmali KRMI Goa to Mumbai Lokmanya Tilak Terminus LTT at 1000 on Tuesdays and Fridays respectively, August 26, 29 September 02, 05, 09, 12 2014. Timings: arrives LTT at 2315 (Tue).
Composition (01039/01040): 01 AC 2 tier, 01 AC 3 tier, 13 Sleepers, 05 General Second, 02 SLRs (22 coaches).
Composition (01043/01044): 01 AC 2 tier, 02 AC 3 tier, 07 Sleepers, 06 General Second, 02 SLRs (18 coaches).
Route and Stoppages: Thane, Panvel, Roha, Mangaon, Veer, Khed, Chiplun, Savarde, Aravali Road, Sangameshwar, Ratnagiri, Adavali, Vilawade, Rajapur Road, Vaibhavwadi Road, Nandgaon Road, Kankavali, Sindhudurg, Kudal, Zarap, Sawantwadi Road, Madure, Pernem, Thivim.
01041/01042 Mumbai CSTM – Karmali – Mumbai CSTM Biweekly Ganesha Special (CR)
- 01041 special will leave from Mumbai CSTM to Karmali KRMI Goa at 1250 on Tuesdays and Saturdays August 23, 26, 30, September 02, 06, 09, 13 2014. Timings: PNVL: 1413, RN: 2025, KKW: 2240, arrives KRMI at 0140 (Wed, Sun).
- 01042 special will leave from Karmali KRMI Goa to Mumbai CSTM at 1000 on Wednesdays and Sundays August 24, 27, 31, September 03, 07, 10, 14 2014. Timings: SNDD: 1142, RN: 1430, PNVL: 2105, arrives CSTM at 2320 (Wed, Sun).
Composition: 01 First AC cum AC 2 tier, 01 AC 2 tier, 02 AC 3 tier, 12 Sleeper Class Coaches, 05 General Second Class, 02 SLRs (23 coaches)
Route and Stoppages: Dadar, Thane, Panvel, Roha (01041 only), Mangaon, Veer, Khed, Chiplun, Savarde, Aravali Road, Sangameshwar, Ratnagiri, Adavali, Vilawade, Rajapur Road, Vaibhavwadi Road, Nandgaon Road, Kankavali, Sindhudurg, Kudal, Zarap, Sawantwadi Road, Madure, Pernem, Thivim.
NOTE: These are Ganpati Special Trains for 2015. FOR Ganpati Festival Special Trains for this year 2016 CLICK HERE
09416/09415 Ahmedabad – Madgaon – Ahmedabad Triweekly Ganpati Special (WR)
- 09416 Ganesh special train will leave from Ahmedabad ADI to Madgaon MAO Goa at 1655 on August 25, 28, 31, Sepetember 1, 4, 7, 8 2014. Timings: BRC: 1850, ST: 2050, BSR: 0140, PNVL: 0305, RN: 0920, arrives MAO at 1630 next day.
- 09415 Ganesh special train will leave from Madgaon MAO to Ahmedabad ADI at 2000 on August 26, 29, September 1, 2, 5, 8, 9 2014. Timings: RN: 0305, PNVL: 0850, BSR: 1055, ST: 1445, BRC: 1710, arrives ADI at 2000 next day.
Composition: 01 AC 2 tier, 03 AC 3 tier, 07 Sleeper Coaches, 06 General Unreserved, 02 SLRs (19 coaches)
Route and Stoppages: Nadiad,Anand, Vadodara, Bharuch, Surat, Navsari, Valsad, Vapi, Dhanu Road, Boisar, Vasai Road, Panvel, Roha, Mangaon, Khed, Chiplun, Savarde, Sangameshwar, Ratnagiri, Adavali, Rajapur Road, Vaibhavwadi Road, Kankavali, Sindhudurg, Kudal, Zarap, Sawantwadi Road, Madure, Pernem, Thivim, Karmali.
Ganpati Special Trains Operated by Konkan Railway Corporation
00116/00115 Ratnagiri – Mumbai Kurla LTT – Ratnagiri Intercity Ganpati Special (KR)
- 00116 Special will leave from Ratnagiri RN to Mumbai Kurla LTT at 0515 on October 28, 30, 31, September 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8 2014. Timings: CHI: 0644, MNI: 0852, ROHA: 1011, PNVL: 1145, TNA: 1235, arrives LTT at 1310.
- 00115 Special will leave from Mumbai Lokmanya Tilak T LTT at 1345 on October 28, 30, 31, September 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8 2014. Timings: TNA: 1423, PNVL: 1520, ROHA: 1720, KHED: 1908, SGR: 2044, arrives RN at 2150.
Route and Stoppages: Sangameshwar, Savarda, Chiplun, Khed, Veer, Mangaon, Roha, Panvel, Thane.
Composition: 10 Second Class Seating (Reserved), 02 General Unreserved, 02 SLRs.
00118/00117 Ratnagiri – Vasai Road – Ratnagiri Ganesh Intercity Special Train (KR)
- 00118 special train will run from Ratnagiri RN to Vasai Road BSR at 0515 on August 26, 27, September 2, 5, 9 2014. Timings: CHI: 0644, MNI: 0852, ROHA: 1011, PNVL: 1145, arrives at BSR at 1300.
- 00117 special train will run from Vasai Road BSR to Ratnagiri RN at 1345 on August 26, 27, September 2, 5, 9 2014. Timings: PNVL: 1520, ROHA: 1720, KHED: 1908, SGR: 2044, arrives at RN at 2145.
Route and Stoppages: Panvel, Roha, Mangaon, Veer, Khed, Chiplun, Savarda, Sangameshwar.
Composition: Reserved Second Sitting (2S) and General Second Class Unreserved.
Unreserved Special Trains (No Reservation Required)
01037/01038 Mumbai LTT – Ratnagiri – Mumbai LTT Unreserved Ganapati Special (CR)
Days of Operation: August 23, 25, 27, 29, 31 and September 2, 5, 7, 9 2014 both ways. No reservation required (unreserved), buy a ticket from the station and board the train.
- 01037 special train will leave from Mumbai Kurla LTT to Ratnagiri RN at 0100 on dates given above. Timings: arrives RN at 0905.
- 01038 special train will leave from Ratnagiri RN to Mumbai Lokmanya Tilak Terminus LTT at 1130 on dates given above. Timings: arrives at LTT at 1920.
Composition: 12 Second Seating, 04 General Second Class, 02 SLRs (all Unreserved)
Route and Stoppages: Thane, Panvel, Roha, Mangaon, Veer, Khed, Chiplun, Savarde, Aravali Road, Sangameshwar.
NOTE: These are Ganpati Special Trains for 2015. FOR Ganpati Festival Special Trains for this year 2016 CLICK HERE
01003/01004 Mumbai Dadar Central – Sawantwadi – Dadar Unreserved Ganapati Special (CR)
- 01003 special will leave from Mumbai Dadar Central DR to Sawantwadi SWV at 0705 on Sundays, Tuesdays, Fridays August 24, 26, 29, 31, September 2, 5, 7, 9, 12 2014. Timings: arrives SWV at 2030 (Sun, Tue, Fri).
- 01004 special will leave from Sawantwadi Road SWV to Mumbai Dadar DR at 0450 on Mondays, Wednesdays, Saturdays August 25, 27, 30, September 1, 3, 6, 8, 10, 13 2014. Timings: arrives DR at 1610 (Mon, Wed, Sat).
Composition: 07 Second Class Seating, 04 General Second Class, 02 SLRs (13 coaches).
Route and Stoppages: Thane, Panvel, Roha, Mangaon, Veer, Khed, Chiplun, Savarde, Aravali Road, Sangameshwar, Ratnagiri, Adavali, Vilawade, Rajapur Road, Vaibhavwadi Road, Nandgaon Road, Kankavli, Sindhudurg, Kudal and Zarap
01205/01206 Mumbai LTT – Kolhapur CSMT – Mumbai LTT One-Trip Ganesh Special (CR)
- 01205 Ganpati special train will leave from Mumbai Kurla LTT to Kolhapur CSMT KOP at 1640 on Thursday August 28 2014 only. Timings: arrives KOP at 0435 (Fri).
- 01206 Ganpati special train will leave from Kolhapur CSMT KOP to Mumbai Lokmanya Tilak Terminus LTT at 0905 on Friday August 29 2014 only. Timings: arrives LTT at 2355 (Fri).
Route and Stoppages: Thane, Kalyan, Lonavala, Pune, Satara, Karad, Sangli, Miraj.
Composition: 01 AC 2 tier, 02 AC 3 tier, 13 Sleeper Coaches, 03 General Second Class, 02 SLRs (21 coaches).
NOTE: These are Ganpati Special Trains for 2015. FOR Ganpati Festival Special Trains for this year 2016 CLICK HERE
Information provided here is only indicative in nature and please always confirm all information with official sources before relying on them (Contact your nearest railway station or call 139 or visit the official website of Indian Railways). This website is not an official website of the Indian Railways but is run by a railway enthusiast. The official website of the railways is