Ganpati Festival Special Trains 2015

NOTE: These are Ganpati Special Trains for 2015. FOR Ganpati Festival Special Trains for this year 2016 CLICK HERE
Here are the special train services announced by Central Railway for the Ganapati Festival Season of Spetember 2015 in addition to regularly running services. All these trains are on the Konkan Railway part of Maharashtra starting from Mumbai. Booking/Reservation for these trains will open two months in advance, starting on 0800 on Sunday, July 12 for 01033/4 running on September 10. Advance reservation for 01001/2 and 01095/6 will open on Monday July 13 at 0800. Advance reservation period for these trains will be 60 days.
- Three CR trains between Bombay and Goa on Konkan Railway everyday except Thursdays.
- Departure at 0020 (CSTM), 0055 (LTT), 0530 (LTT) from Mumbai everyday.
- Departure at 1440 (MAO), 1525 (MAO), 1745 (KRMI) from Goa everyday.
NOTE: These are Ganpati Special Trains for 2015. FOR Ganpati Festival Special Trains for this year 2016 CLICK HERE
Ganapati Special Trains on September 17, Ganesh Chathurthi Day
Ganpati Special total 4 trains on 17.9.15 frm Mumbai-Konkan leaving@ 00.15 BDTS, 00.20 CSTM, 05.30 LTT, 11.10 PNVL.
— Konkan Railway Corp (@KonkanRailway) September 16, 2015
Ganpati Spl total 6 trains on 17.9.15 from Konkan-Mumbai leaving @ 05.30(MAO), 05.50(KRMI),15.25(MAO), 17.30(CHI), 18.00(MAJN), 21.00(MAO).
— Konkan Railway Corp (@KonkanRailway) September 16, 2015
NOTE: These are Ganpati Special Trains for 2015. FOR Ganpati Festival Special Trains for this year 2016 CLICK HERE
01001/01002 & 01033/01034 Mumbai CST – Madgaon – Mumbai CST Ganpati Specials (CR)
01001/01002 will run 6 days a week on September 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29 2015 (except Thursdays) and 01033/01034 will run on Thursdays Sep 17, 24. Combined they will run a daily train.
- 01001/01033 Ganpati Special from Mumbai CSTM to Madgaon MAO Goa departs CSTM: 0020, TNA: 0115, PNVL: 0215, ROHA: 0400, RN: 0830, KKW: 1048, PERN: 1216, arrives MAO: 1410.
- 01002/01034 Ganpati Special from Madgaon MAO Goa to Mumbai CSTM will depart Madgaon MAO at 1440, SWV: 1618, RN: 1935, CHI: 2112, PNVL: 0235, DR: 0405, arrives CSTM: 0425 the next day.
Route and Stoppages: Mumbai Dadar Central, Thane, Panvel, Roha, Mangaon, Veer, Khed, Chiplun, Savarda, Aravali Road, Sangameshwar, Ratnagiri, Adavali, Vilavade, Rajapur Road, Vaibhavwadi Road, Nandgaon, Kankavali, Sindhudurg, Kudal, Zarap, Sawantwadi Road, Madure, Pernem, Thivim, Karmali.
Composition: 01 AC 2 Tier, 02 AC-3 Tier, 11 Sleeper Class, 2 General Second Class, 02 SLRs
01005/01006 Mumbai LTT – Madgaon – Mumbai LTT Ganpati Specials (CR)
Will run 6 days a week on September 08, 09, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 25, 26, 27, 28 2015 (except Thursdays). Will closely run behind 01001/2.
- 01005 Ganpati Special from Mumbai Kurla LTT to Madgaon MAO Goa departs LTT: 0055, TNA: 0120, PNVL: 0225, ROHA: 0430, RN: 0920, KKW: 1120, SWV: 1220, arrives MAO: 1440.
- 01006 Ganpati Special from Madgaon MAO Goa to Mumbai Kurla LTT will depart MAO at 1525, SWV: 1704, RN: 2020, CHI: 2152, MNI: 2358, PNVL: 0250, arrives LTT: 0355 the next day.
Composition: 01 AC 2 Tier, 02 AC-3 Tier, 14 Sleeper Class, 4 General Second Class, 02 SLRs (20 coaches).
Route and Stoppages: Thane, Panvel Jn., Roha, Mangaon, Veer, Khed, Chiplun, Savarda, Aravali Road, Sangameshwar Road, Ratnagiri, Adavali, Vilavade, Rajapur Road, Vaibhavwadi Road, Kankavali, Sindhudurg, Kudal, Zarap, Sawantwadi Road, Madure, Thivim, Karmali.
01025/01026 Mumbai LTT – Karmali – Mumbai LTT Daily Ganpati Intercity Special (CR)
- 01025 Ganpati Special from Mumbai Kurla LTT to Karmali KRMI Goa departs LTT: 0530, TNA: 0555, PNVL: 0640, ROHA: 0830, RN: 1225, KKW: 1432, SWV: 1546, arrives KRMI: 1700.
- 01026 Ganpati Special from Madgaon MAO Goa to Mumbai Kurla LTT departs MAO at 0550, SWV: 0654, VBW: 0820, RN: 0950, CHI: 1152, MNI: 1332, PNVL: 1600, arrives LTT: 1745.
Composition: 10 Reserved Second Class Sitting (2S), 04 General Unreserved (II), 02 SLRs (16 coaches).
Route and Stoppages: Thane, Diva Jn., Panvel Jn., Roha, Mangaon, Khed, Chiplun, Savarda, Sangameshwar Road, Ratnagiri, Adavali, Rajapur Road, Vaibhavwadi Road, Kankavali, Sindhudurg, Kudal, Zarap, Sawantwadi Road, Madure, Pernem, Thivim, Karmali.
NOTE: These are Ganpati Special Trains for 2015. FOR Ganpati Festival Special Trains for this year 2016 CLICK HERE
00112/00111 Madgaon – Mumbai Vasai Road – Madgaon Reserved Express Special (KR)
- 00112 special from Madgaon MAO to Mumbai Vasai Road BSR will run on September 11, 16, 21, 26 2015. Timings: Departs MAO: 0015, arrives BSR: 1300.
- 00111 special from Mumbai Vasai Road BSR to Madgaon MAO will run on September 24 2015. Timings: Departs BSR: 1345, arrives MAO: 0300.
Composition: 10 Second Sitting 2S, 06 General Unreserved, 02 SLR (18 coaches)
Route and Stoppages: Thivim, Sawantwadi, Kudal, Sindhudurg, Kankavali, Vaibhavwadi, Rajapur, Adavali, Ratnagiri, Sangameshwar, Savarda, Chiplun, Khed, Veer, Mangaon, Roha, Panvel.
00118/00117 Ratnagiri – Mumbai Vasai Road – Ratnagiri Reserved Express Special (KR)
- 00118 special from Ratnagiri RN to Mumbai Vasai Road BSR will run on September 14, 19, 22, 23, 24, 29 2015. Timings: Departs RN: 0500, arrives BSR: 1300.
- 00117 special from Mumbai Vasai Road BSR to Ratnagiri RN will run on September 13, 14, 18, 19 21, 22, 23 2015. Timings: Departs BSR: 1345, arrives RN: 2200.
Composition: 10 Second Sitting 2S, 06 General Unreserved, 02 General Unreserved (18 coaches)
Route and Stoppages: Sangameshwar, Savarda, Chiplun, Khed, Veer, Mangaon, Roha, Panvel.
01095/01096 Dadar – Sawantwadi – Dadar Triweekly Day Specials (CR)
- 01095 Special from Mumbai Dadar Central DR to Sawantwadi SWV will run on Fridays, Sundays, Tuesdays September 11, 13, 15, 18, 20, 22, 25, 27, 29 2015. Timings: Departs DR: 0750 (Su, Tu, F), TNA: 0819, PNVL: 0915, ROHA: 1140, CHI: 1416, RN: 1655, KKW: 1902, arrives SWV: 2030 (Su, Tu, F).
- 01096 Special from Sawantwadi SWV to Mumbai Dadar Central DR will run on Saturdays, Mondays, Wednesdays September 12, 14, 16, 19, 21, 23, 26, 28, 30 2015. Timings: Departs SWV: 0450 (M, W, Sa), NAN: 0602, RN: 0810, KHED: 1022, PNVL: 1445, TNA: 1525, arrives DR: 1550 (M, W, Sa).
Route and Stoppages: Thane, Panvel, Roha, Mangaon, Veer, Khed, Chiplun, Savarde, Aravali Road, Sangameshwar, Ratnagiri, Adavali, Vilavade, Rajapur Road, Vaibhavwadi Road, Nandgaon, Kankavali, Sindhudurg, Kudal, Zarap.
Composition: 01 AC Chair car, 07 Second Seating, 02 General Second Class, 02 General Unreserved (10 coaches)
NOTE: These are Ganpati Special Trains for 2015. FOR Ganpati Festival Special Trains for this year 2016 CLICK HERE
Ganapati Festival Special Trains to Mangalore
00115/00116 Mumbai Vasai Road – Mangalore Central – Vasai Road Ganpati Special (KR)
- 00115 special from Mumbai Vasai Road BSR to Mangalore Central MAQ will run on 11, 16, 26 September 2015. Timings: Departs BSR: 1345, arrives MAQ: 1100.
- 00116 special from Mangalore Central MAQ to Mumbai Vasai Road BSR will run on 12, 17, 27 Septmenber 2015. Timings: Departs MAQ: 1800, arrives BSR: 1300.
Route and Stoppages: Surathkal, Udupi, Bhatkal, Kumta, Karwar, Madgaon, Thivim, Sawantwadi, Kudal, Sindhudura, Kankavali, Vaibhavvadi, Rajapur, Adavali, Ratnagiri, Sangameshwar, Savarda, Chiplun, Khed, Veer, Mangaon, Roha, Panvel.
Composition: 10 Second Sitting 2S, 06 General Unreserved, 02 General Unreserved (18 coaches).
Ganpati Special Trains by Western Railway from Bandra
09007/09008 Mumbai Bandra Terminus – Madgaon – Bandra T Ganpati AC Special (WR)
- 09007 special from Mumbai Bandra Terminus BDTS to Madgaon MAO Goa will run on Mondays, Wednesdays September 14, 16, 21, 23 2015. Timings: Dep BDTS: 1010 (Mon, Wed), BSR: 1225, PNVL: 1400, ROHA: 1600, CHI: 1902, RN: 2120, SWV: 0034 (Tue, Thu), arrives MAO: 0330 (Tue, Thu).
- 09008 special from Madgaon MAO Goa to Mumbai Bandra Terminus BDTS will run on Tuesdays, Thursdays September 15, 17, 22, 24 2015. Timings: Dep MAO: 0530 (Tue, Thu), KKW: 0822, RN: 1150, KHED: 1414, ROHA: 1700, PNVL: 1915, BSR: 2210, arrives BDTS: 2236 (Tue, Thu).
Composition: AC 2 tier, AC 3 tier, AC Chair Cars
Route and Stoppages: Mumbai Borivali, Vasai Road, Panvel Jn., Roha, Mangaon, Khed, Chiplun, Savarda, Sangameshwar Road, Ratnagiri, Adavali, Rajapur Road, Vaibhavwadi Road, Kankavali, Sindhudurg, Kudal, Zarap, Sawantwadi Road, Madure, Thivim, Karmali.
09009/09010 Mumbai Bandra Terminus – Madgaon – Bandra T Ganpati Special (WR)
- 09009 special from Mumbai Bandra Terminus BDTS to Madgaon MAO Goa will run on Saturdays, Tuesdays, Thursdays September 12, 15, 17, 19, 22, 24, 26 2015. Timings: Dep BDTS: 0015 (Sa, Tu, Th), BSR: 0140, PNVL: 0315, ROHA: 0500, CHI: 0722, RN: 0940, SWV: 1258, arrives MAO: 1630 (Sa, Tu, Th).
- 09010 special from Madgaon MAO Goa to Mumbai Bandra Terminus BDTS will run on Saturdays, Tuesdays, Thursdays September 12, 15, 17, 19, 22, 24, 26 2015. Timings: Dep MAO: 2100 (Sa, Tu, Th), KKW: 2344, RN: 0305 (Su, W, F), KHED: 0532, ROHA: 0806, PNVL: 0935, BSR: 1200, arrives BDTS: 1320 (Su, W, F).
Composition: AC 2 tier, AC 3 tier, Sleeper Coaches, 2S Reserved.
Route and Stoppages: Mumbai Andheri, Mumbai Borivali, Vasai Road, Panvel Jn., Roha, Mangaon, Khed, Chiplun, Savarda, Sangameshwar Road, Ratnagiri, Adavali, Rajapur Road, Vaibhavwadi Road, Kankavali, Sindhudurg, Kudal, Zarap, Sawantwadi Road, Madure, Pernem, Thivim, Karmali.
09416/09415 Ahmedabad – Madgaon – Ahmedabad Ganpati Special (WR)
- 09416 special from Ahmedabad ADI to Madgaon MAO will run on Saturdays, Sundays, Thursdays September 12, 13, 17, 19, 20, 24, 26, 27 2015. Timetable: Departs ADI: 1600 (Sa, Su, Th), BRC: 1850, ST: 2055, BSR: 0140 (Su, M, F), PNVL: 0315, CHI: 0722, RN: 0940, SWV: 1258, arrives MAO: 1630 (Su, M, F).
- 09415 special from Madgaon MAO to Ahmedabad ADI will run on Sundays, Mondays, Fridays September 13, 14, 18, 20, 21, 25, 27, 28 2015. Timetable: MAO: 2100 (Su, M, F), KKW: 2344, RN: 0305 (M, Tu, Sa), KHED: 0532, PNVL: 0935, BSR: 1300, ST: 1520, BRC: 1717, arrives ADI: 2030 (M, Tu, Sa).
Composition: AC 2 tier, AC 3 tier, Sleeper Class, 2S Reserved, SLRs.
Route and Stoppages: Nadiad, Anand, Vadodara, Bharuch, Surat, Navsari, Valsad, Vapi, Dahanu Road, Boisar, Vasai Road, Panvel Jn., Roha, Mangaon, Khed, Chiplun, Savarda, Sangameshwar Road, Ratnagiri, Adavali, Rajapur Road, Vaibhavwadi Road, Kankavali, Sindhudurg, Kudal, Zarap, Sawantwadi Road, Madure, Pernem, Thivim, Karmali.
NOTE: These are Ganpati Special Trains for 2015. FOR Ganpati Festival Special Trains for this year 2016 CLICK HERE
Unreserved Special Trains for Ganapati Festival
01301/01302 Pune – Kolhapur – Pune Unreserved Ganpati Express Special (CR)
Will run on all days except Friday on September 14, 15, 16, 17 , 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30 2015
- 01301 unreserved special from Pune PUNE to Kolhapur KOP will run on all days except Fridays from Monday Sept 14 to Wednesday Sept 30 2015. Timings: Departs PUNE: 0545, arrives KOP: 1355.
- 01302 unreserved special from Kolhapur KOP to Pune PUNE will run on all days except Fridays from Monday Sept 14 to Wednesday Sept 30 2015. Timings: Departs KOP: 1430, arrives PUNE: 2230.
Composition: 10 Unreserved General Second Class, 02 EOGs (12 coaches)
Route and Stoppages: Nira, Lonand, Satara, Karad, Kirloskarwadi, Bhilawadi, Sangli, Miraj, Hatkanangale, Rukadi.
Composition: 10 Second Sitting 2S, 06 General Unreserved, 02 General Unreserved (18 coaches).
NOTE: These are Ganpati Special Trains for 2015. FOR Ganpati Festival Special Trains for this year 2016 CLICK HERE
Information provided here is only indicative in nature and please always confirm all information with official sources before relying on them (Contact your nearest railway station or call 139 or visit the official website of Indian Railways). This website is not an official website of the Indian Railways but is run by a railway enthusiast. The official website of the railways is
when will be the booking of 01001 start??